Spring Sale Dates:
Spring Sale hours
April 1st – Presale for Consignors & Volunteers 5pm-8pm
April 2nd- 5th – Open to the public 9am-7pm
April 5th – Discount Day 8am-12pm
Chapin Town Hall Community Room
157 Columbia Ave
Chapin, SC
Would you like to know how you can get a completely new wardrobe each season?
We are here to teach you the tricks to the consigning trade!
Each season we clean out our closets and gather together items that either no longer fit us or that we may just be tired of wearing and tag them for Back To The Rack through the easy online tagging system! All you have to do is sign up as a consignor here , enter each items info, generate and print out tags, and attach them to each article of clothing to drop off before the sale. If you spend the same amount or less on new clothing that you find at the sale as you receive back from selling your own items, then its basically like getting a whole new wardrobe for free!
But I don’t have time to tag you say?
Simply join our 50/50 program where we tag for you and you still receive 50% of your sales! All you do is drop off your items at our pre-scheduled dropoff and we do the rest! Please call or text to be added to the 50/50 list 803-944-2133.
Leah L Hardee
Very interested in learning more.
28 . Jun . 2016